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Village News

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

4 August 2024

The Parish Council announces the Conclusion of the Audit for the year ended 31 March 2024.

Read more on Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Crow Lane Closure - 26th August for 5 Days

1 August 2024


Read more on Crow Lane Closure - 26th August for 5 Days

Local Bus Consultation/Tender Outcome July 2024

24 June 2024

Following the results of the public consultation made public in January, Essex County Council is pleased to share the outcome of the Local Bus 2023/2024 tender round.

Read more on Local Bus Consultation/Tender Outcome July 2024

New Weeley Footpath Map

30 April 2024

The Parish Council has produced a map of all the Footpathas and Footways in Weeley and Weeley Heath. Please notify us if you are aware of any paths that are not displayed on this map.

Read more on New Weeley Footpath Map

Annual Parish Meeting 15th April 2024

16 April 2024

Weeley Parish Council hosted the Weeley Annual Parish Meeting on Monday 15th April 2024 at Weeley Village Hall. The meeting was well attended by residents and councillors and the minutes are available on the Council's Website here

Read more on Annual Parish Meeting 15th April 2024

Better Buses Campaign

23 January 2024

Giles Watling MP for Clacton constituency wants improved bus services locally and is undertaking an online survey to obtain residents views. To complete a survey form please follow the link below. 

Read more on Better Buses Campaign

Weeley nominated for Rescue Project of the Year!

19 January 2024

Weeley Barracks has been nominated for the Current Archaeology Rescue Project of the Year Award! It is very exciting to have a new opportunity to share the story of Weeley even more widely and we would love it if all the blog's readers could support the project by voting at the link below https://archaeology.co.uk/vote We took this opportunity to revisit the site through brand new videos showing the memories and insights of our colleagues Louise and Nick. Hear their first-hand experience of it

Read more on Weeley nominated for Rescue Project of the Year!

Children's Play Area Refurbishment at Weeley Recreation Ground

18 December 2023

The play area in the field by the village hall is about to get a major revamp! All of the existing play equipment will be removed and will be replaced with new modern play equipment. The fenced area of the new playground will include play equipment for children aged 3-8 years. Outside the fenced area there will be located four items of play equipment for use by older children including a zipwire.

Read more on Children's Play Area Refurbishment at Weeley Recreation Ground

A120 Horsley Cross to Wix Concrete Road Reconstruction Scheme

20 October 2023

Topographical and road surveys - A120 Horsley Cross to Wix

National Highways is progressing plans for a concrete reconstruction scheme on the A120 between Horsley Cross and Wix, which forms part of our future years’ concrete roads programme.

Read more on A120 Horsley Cross to Wix Concrete Road Reconstruction Scheme