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Pestles Hall Bridge, Crown Lane, Weeley - temporary road closure

16 September 2024

Bridge strengthening works are planned to take place on Pestles Hall Bridge on Crow Lane in Weeley from Monday 23 September 2024.  These works are expected to take approximately two weeks to complete.

Read more on Pestles Hall Bridge, Crown Lane, Weeley - temporary road closure

Weeley Parish Council Meeting 16/9/24 7.30pm

16 September 2024

Weeley Parish Council will be holding their monthy meeting in Weeley Village Hall on Monday 16th September at 7.30pm.

Read more on Weeley Parish Council Meeting 16/9/24 7.30pm

Announcement from the Bishop of Colchester and the Archdeacon of Colchester

2 September 2024

From Bishop Roger Morris and Archdeacon Ruth Patten

We are delighted to announce the good news that (subject to appropriate
DBS clearance) The Revd Sharon Guest has been appointed Vicar of St Osyth
& Great Bentley and Priest-in-Charge of Weeley with Little Clacton. 

Sharon began her ministry as a Lay Reader over twenty years ago.  She was
ordained in 2012 and served her curacy and her first post in the Barking
Episcopal Area.  Sharon has been a Team Vicar in the Roach Parishes in the
Southend Archdeaconry of this Diocese for over five years.
Sharon says,

"I'm really looking forward to ministering with the people of these
parishes and am excited to have been called to these churches and the
Colchester Episcopal Area. I am excited that these parishes will be
working together in a new way.

"I will of course miss the people of the parishes where I have been
ministering and I will miss my wonderful colleagues Kim, Hayley, Gary and
Ernie and the wardens and lay people who I also minister alongside."

We look forward to welcoming Sharon and Ernie into your parishes and the
Colchester Episcopal Area and ask for your prayers for them as they
prepare to move and as she prepares to take up her new ministry with you.

We also pray for the Roach Parishes, as they prepare to say goodbye to

Thank you. 

Read more on Announcement from the Bishop of Colchester and the Archdeacon of Colchester

Village Noticeboards Refreshed

28 August 2024

Thanks to funding from the Parish Council and the efforts of two gentlemen from Weeley in Bloom both of the Village noticeboards have been spruced up and painted. They are now looking much better.

Read more on Village Noticeboards Refreshed

Bin and Dog Bin Collections for Weeley

28 August 2024

The Council is aware that sometimes it would appear that bins or dog bins have not been emptied. We have spoken to TDC and they have informed us that they should be collected as per the following schedule:

Read more on Bin and Dog Bin Collections for Weeley

The Essex Big Weekend Ballot Starts Mon 19th August

16 August 2024

The county’s tourism organisation Visit Essex is supporting businesses to extend the tourism season by offering a range of prizes for local residents.

Read more on The Essex Big Weekend Ballot Starts Mon 19th August

Dog Control and Dog Fouling Public Spaces Protection Order 2024

8 August 2024

As I am sure you are aware the new Dog Control and Dog Fouling PSPO came into effect from 1st August 2024 across the whole of Tendring. 

Read more on Dog Control and Dog Fouling Public Spaces Protection Order 2024