Home > Village News > Footpath 3 and Footpath 4, Weeley - Temporary Prohibition of Use from 24th August 2024

Footpath 3 and Footpath 4, Weeley - Temporary Prohibition of Use from 24th August 2024

1 August 2024

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The Essex County Council (Footpath 3 and Footpath 4, Weeley) (Temporary Prohibition of Use) Order 2024

Please see attached documents showing the notice and diversions maps

I attach for your attention a copy of the Public Notice relating to the above, which will appear in the Colchester Evening Gazette on the 15 August 2024.

A further Notice will appear in the same paper on 22 August 2024 and the Orders will be made on 22 August 2024. The Order will come into effect on 24 August 2024 and the restriction will last for the duration of the works.

Yours faithfully

Traffic Regulation and Licencing Officer

Network Assurance 

M: 07729 615801

E: teresa.moulder@essexhighways.org

W: www.essex.gov.uk/highways
