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Children's Play Area Refurbishment at Weeley Recreation Ground

18 December 2023

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The play area in the field by the village hall is about to get a major revamp! All of the existing play equipment will be removed and will be replaced with new modern play equipment. The fenced area of the new playground will include play equipment for children aged 3-8 years. Outside the fenced area there will be located four items of play equipment for use by older children including a zipwire.


In addition, a multi use games area will be installed where the existing basketball court is located. This area can be used to play games including football and basketball.  


Please note that from Wednesday 3 January 2024 the play area will be closed.  Work will then begin to remove the existing play equipment and new, exciting apparatus will be installed for children of all ages. 


This means that the play area will be off limits for 2 months from January 3rd and we ask for your assistance, patience and understanding while the work is carried out. 


Christine Hamilton

Chair, Weeley Parish Council