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Local Bus Consultation

16 July 2023

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Essex County Council (ECC) is reviewing its support of 162 local bus services.


The consultation commences 14 July 2023 and closes 05 October 2023.


We would encourage people to complete the survey online by visiting the web site https://consultations.essex.gov.uk/iptu/2023


If people are unable to complete the consultation online, we can send a hard copy of the consultation on request via passenger.transport@essex.gov.uk or telephoning 0345 743 0430 or 0345 603 7631 to request a copy. 


A hard copy of the consultation can be sent to you on request, or alternatively, you could print off a supply should people request these.  Please note a hard copy will be sent in due course.


We are keen to hear from as many people as possible and you know the best way of reaching your communities.


Also attached is a notice.


If you have any further questions, please email passenger.transport@essex.gov.uk