I am writing to provide details of how ECC will be allocating its £9.4m Household Support Fund, as referenced at Full Council yesterday.
The scheme, introduced under the previous government, is designed to support vulnerable families and we are replicating much that we have done previously, whilst also recognising the important need to support pensioners, following the government’s decision to remove Winter Fuel Allowance to over 300,000 pensioners in Essex.
Funding will be available through different access points, including the Essential Living Fund, food support groups, community supermarkets and local voluntary and community sector organisations, such as the Citizens Advice Bureau.
As well as specific support for pensioners, funding for families in receipt of free school meals will continue, as will targeted support for young carers and care leavers.
As part of the £9.4 million package, we are focusing on key areas of support. These include:
More information on help with the cost of living is available at https://www.essex.gov.uk/help-cost-living.
Residents are also urged to contact the Essential Living Fund if they are struggling financially,. They can do this by visiting www.southend.gov.uk/extra-financial-help/essential-living-fund.
As a reminder, the fund can support with:
We are aware that some Districts/Boroughs in Essex are also offering their own additional support for fuel expenses this Winter, through their own schemes.
Please do use this information to signpost residents, in need of help and support.
Kind regards
Councillor Louise McKinlay BA (Hons) MSc, Prince II Certified Practitioner
Deputy Leader of Essex County Council
Cabinet Member for Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Communities, Economic Growth and Prosperity
County Councillor for Brentwood Hutton Division