A consultation has been launched to give residents the chance to share their thoughts, before Cabinet make their final decision, on the Council’s initial proposals for a series of highlight priorities for 2025/26.
The proposed highlight priorities include re-tendering and preparation for a new waste and recycling collection and street cleaning contract, delivering a savings plan for 2025/6 and developing one for 2026/7, and a review of the Tendring Local Plan - extending its timeframe to 2041 and ensuring it is in alignment with national planning policy and mandatory housebuilding targets. To view proposed highlight priorities please click on this link: A3 Appendix B - Initial Highlight Priorities 2025-26
The priorities also include developing plans and implementing actions in relation to a series of multi-million-pound Government-funded projects, including the new Community Regeneration Partnership in Clacton, as well as making a final decision in relation to the future of the council’s Careline Service following the exploration of third-party proposals for taking on all or part of the service.
Tendring District Council requests your support in publicising the link to the consultation on your website so residents can partake in the consultation (www.tendringdc.gov.uk/consultations). Residents may also submit their comments via email at consultations@tendringdc.gov.uk. Please could you also forward the details of this consultation on to the Parish and Town Councillors so they can provide their views within the consultation.